Hello, this is Boston MS. First of all, we would like to thank everyone who participated in the donation despite the difficult times. We will inform you about the donations that have been made this month. The total amount donated in May was $578.26. $205.56 went to the COVID-19 medical donations category and $372.70 went to the Food for Kids category. The donations were sent to the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Public Schools of Brookline School Committee respectively. It has been a great help in providing medical equipment and meals for low-income students. We will continue to help out those in need. Thank you for being with Boston MS during this difficult time.
안녕하세요 Boston MS 입니다. 우선 모두가 어려운 시기임에도 불구하고 기부에 동참해주신 분들께 감사의 말씀 전합니다. 이번달 기부 내역에 대해 안내하겠습니다. 5월 총 기부금은 $578.26 입니다. 그 중 $205.56 가 Covid-19 의료 기부 항목에, $372.70 가 Food for Kids 항목에 해당됩니다. 기부금은 Brigham and women's hospital 과 Public Schools of Brookline School Committee 에 각각 전달 되었습니다. 의료장비 공급과 저소득층 학생 식사지원에 큰 힘이 되었습니다. 앞으로도 계속 도움이 필요한 곳에 앞장서 지원하겠습니다. 어려운 시기에 Boston MS 와 함께 해주셔서 감사합니다.